+27101100593 sales@netsectech.co.za



Fibre Optic Infrastructure

Netsec specializes in the installation and maintenance of Fibre-To-The-Home and Fibre-To-The-Business infrastructures. We provide Estates, Business Parks, Shopping Centre’s and Residential Complexes with premium fibre-optic infrastructure.

Netsec provides state of the art fibre optic infrastructure, that reaches amazing transfer speeds, to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Why Fibre Optics?

The value of a strong, fibre network goes beyond a faster and more stable internet connection. With fibre you can transform your current home, business or estate into a smart home, smart business or smart estate because the opportunities that a high-quality fibre network has to offer are endless.

The main benefits of fibre are its remarkably low loss, its absence of ground currents and other parasite signals and power issues common to other connection methods and its inherently high data-carrying capacity. Thousands of electrical links would be required to replace a single high bandwidth fibre cable.


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Postnet Suite 224 Private Bag X75 Bryanston 2021